Jamie Polen

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Jamie Polen is a respected journalist for his insight on the economy, employee benefits, and compliance. In addition to his professional expertise, he is humbly a talented musician with the ability to pick up almost any instrument and play - a skillset which benefits his ability to write music for a number of artists effectively well. Born and raised in North Carolina, Jamie now resides in Nashville with his wife, son, and his dog named Fried Chicken. Jamie went to undergrad at UNC Chapel Hill and Wake Forest University for his MBA and law degree.

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Each month, Mployer Advisor breaks down the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ most recent State Employment and Unemployment Summary to highlight some employment trends across various markets. This is an overview of February’s report.
Jamie Polen
Workforce Management
Workforce Management
A look at the state of finance departments across US companies over the last few years reveals an interesting mix of stability and change.
Jamie Polen
The latest economic release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the U.S. added 275 thousand new jobs last month, while the unemployment rate ticked up to 3.9%.
Jamie Polen
Industry News
Industry News
The human resources field has been steadily expanding for the better part of a decade now, with nearly 980 thousand HR employees spread out across the US by the end of 2023. This is a credit to the increasing realization that a dedicated people strategy, proper talent management, employee retention and appropriate communication can have on an organizations 1. mission and 2. financials.
Jamie Polen
Compliance & Policy
Compliance & Policy
Each month, Mployer Advisor collects and presents some of the most relevant and most pressing recent changes in law, compliance, and policy in areas related to employee benefits, health care, and human resources. 
Jamie Polen