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Are you a thought leader in the employee benefits space or is your firm an active contributor and want to share your information? Great! Fill out the form and we'll be in touch.
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Guest Post Guidelines

1. Use a Google Doc.

That's it! That's the tweet.

Make sure your Google Doc is public and editable before sharing it with the Mployer team.

All edits, feedback, and draft status updates will be communicated via Google Doc.
2. Have a title and a target keyword.

Make sure you verify the title and target keyword of your article with our in-house editor prior to writing.

If you don't have a specific keyword in mind, let us know what you want to write about and we'll send over a keyword that makes sense.

Once you have your target keyword nailed down, make sure it is incorporated in your title, headers, and throughout the post according to best practices.
3. Break up your posts with headers.

Use headers (H2s and H3s) to break up your post, organize information, and incorporate target and secondary keywords.

If we've given you Required H2s, make sure those sections are incorporated in the post (along with others the make sense in context of the article). If not, use H2s that create the most value for the reader. Whenever possible, and when it makes sense, number your H2s and H3s to further clarify the structure of the post.
4. Use visuals to illustrate concepts & provide examples.

Nothing kills the vibe more than a giant block of text.

Use images frequently to elucidate concepts and provide examples. Use memes. Embedded tweets and videos are great, but limit GIFs please.

As a rule, try to have a least one visual per section or H2. Make sure your images are compressed using TinyPNG.
5. Have an introduction and a conclusion.

Your introduction should be between 150-200 words. Your first section, introduced by an H2 that includes the target keyword, should then provide a simple and straightforward answer to the central premise of the post (i.e. "What is customer retention?")

Your conclusion should be succinct, and should bring home the core tenets of the article. It should then tie those core tenets back to one of Mployer's core focuses.

Note: Please do not make the header of your conclusion, "Conclusion."
6. Do not use title case in your headers.

Use Title Case for the title of your article. Do not use it for your headers. So if your title is "How to Decode MER & Why It Matters," your first header might be, "What exactly is MER?"
7. Spell out acronyms.

If you're using an acronym throughout your post, please spell it out the first time. Marketers of all shapes and sizes read our blog, including beginners and SMBs (small-to-medium-sized-businesses).
8. Be friendly, but tactical.

We want you to write in your unique voice, but keep in mind our audience. Triple Whale readers range from:

- Media buyers looking for advanced strategies to take their marketing performance and attribution to the next level

- Marketing managers at big DTC brands

- Mom-and-pop Shopify store owners who are familiar with basic marketing strategies and KPIs, but who need their hand held a bit more when talking through more advanced concepts.

Be friendly, but get into advanced concepts and strategies. Be casual and fun. Be data-driven.
9. Link to Mployer content.

By all means, utilize the web at large to support your article, but we have a lot of great data and content on our blog. Link to our content as frequently as possible, and use anchor text.

So if you call out a specific broker or carrier in your article, for instance, you should use it as an opportunity to link to broker or carrier profiles.
10. Be thorough.

Shoot for 1.5k to 2k words. A little under is fine if your article is awesome.
11. Line edit your post.

Seems obvious, but you'd be shocked how many writers don't do line edits before sending us submissions. We don't expect John Grisham, but please make sure your post is free of grammatical errors and typos before sending it to us.
12. Let our readers know how to find you.

Send us your author bio (one or two sentences), a Twitter and/or LinkedIn profile link, and any other relevant links to your work.
Write for Us